Integrated College

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Aug 29 2024

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Entry Level Certificate in Numeracy

Purpose of the qualification

The aim of this qualification is to improve the learners’ ability to understand, use, calculate and manipulate Mathematical information and interpret results.


To achieve the certificate, learners must be assessed in each of the 3 skills:

  • Number
  • Measure, Shape and Space
  • Handling data


Learners must demonstrate competence in all 3 skills areas in order to be awarded an entry level certificate. An award cannot be made for achievement of only one or two of the skills areas.

Assessment 100% Externally set task

·         One unseen, contextualised assessment task.

·         Externally set, internally marked and externally moderated.

·         Each task can be taken only once but there are no restrictions upon the number of tasks a candidate can take.

·         Normally 60-90 minutes duration to complete all elements of the task.

·         Taken in the normal learning environment but under controlled conditions

·         Each Numeracy sub-skill is equally weighted. There are differentiated outcomes at Entry 1, 2 and 3. The pass threshold for each sub-skill, at each level is set at 80% of the available marks.

·         The overall outcome is calculated using the lowest outcome for each sub-skill.

·         Each task covers: all 3 sub-levels at Entry level, i.e. Entry 1, Entry 2, Entry 3;



Students who find Essential Skills Level 1 difficult to achieve at this stage.


Progression Opportunities

The OCN NI Entry Level Certificate in Essentials Skills enables progression to the OCN NI Level 1 and Level 2 Certificate in Essential Skills.